Able Software provides free billing software for small and medium-sized utility companies with professional solutions. Learn more about Able Software and who we are.
Specifically, for customers who cannot get a reading for the billing.
Account level discount setup is available in Utility Start program. Utility company can set up discount on a single account, as well as on a certain type of accounts.
Flexible interest calculation methods, and allows additional charge.
Utility company can also manage their backflows directly in Utility Star system, including both install and remove.
Utility Star is able to deal with the billing of parent meter and sub meters to get a net usage and charge for each meter.
Even without an accurate reading number, you still have the option of estimating their readings or using proration.
Data digging function makes it possible for utility company to analyze their usage data, income data, etc.
Professional Handheld provider, which is user friendly, IP65, and stable.
Contact Us Address:25422 Trabuco Road,
Suite 105-383 Lake Forest, CA 92630 Phone: 949.274.8321 Toll Free :877.225.3252 Fax:949 328 6359 General E-mail: info@able-soft.com Support E-mail : support@able-soft.com | Company |
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